Thursday, October 31, 2013

The loot

I ordered a bunch of artsy stuff from Amazon and here they are! And I am as excited as a kid with new books at the beginning of a school year.

Art materials
My new art materials!

On the very left are my Faber Castell graphite pencils which come in a range of 2H to 6B. In the middle are my three zentangling pens (Sakura Pigma Micron 0.25mm, 0.35mm, 0.45mm). On the right are my Derwent Inktense watersoluble ink pencils. Right at the bottom is my water brush (Pentel Aquash). I also got a couple of sketchbooks from Michaels.

My sketchbooks

Quite a few new things to try. I have never tried zentangling, nor have I tried watercolour pencils, or a waterbrush. I am pretty excited about the watercolour pencils, they seem to be much easier than watercolour cakes/tubes and provide more control. And the water brush is awesome, especially to go with the pencils. No more messy water jars getting toppled all over the desk (ask PD, I am clumsy :P)

Derwent Inktense Watercolour pencils palette
My colour palette 

There is more stuff I want to buy - woodless graphite pencils, an electric eraser, glass paints, oil paints and canvasses.. phew. But PD wanted a "proof of concept" first i.e. evidence that I will indeed use these materials and not leave them orphaned somewhere :P So thats what I am gonna do now. And hopefully, the result will be good enough for me to put up on the blog. Yay, here's to lots of sketching and painting!

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