Its the first of Jan, so there had to be the mandatory post on resolutions ;) I have never really been into "new years resolutions" - I dont see any particular reason why my resolutions have to be made on a Dec 31st/ Jan 1st and forgotten by Jan 15th. I could choose to make resolutions on a May 20th and forget them by the June 5th! Jokes apart, I did make some course-correction resolutions over a year ago. I thought I might as well take stock of those resolutions, given that I am not making any new ones right now. Also given that this blog is the direct outcome of those resolutions.
About a year ago, I realized my life was completely centered around work with "no time to stand and stare", or really do anything else. During my college days, I used to be this "enthu-cutlet" girl who was always ready to sign up for every extra-curric activity, in college and outside. Not that I didnt want to be that girl anymore, I still wanted to do loads of things - I just got a little lost in my work-study-work cycle. So I decided I was going to take out time for all the things I ever wanted to do - mostly involving books, art, travel and writing. I think I have stuck to it quite fine for now. For instance, in the last one year I have:
- read more books than I did in the previous 4 years put together.
- checked off one item which had been on my to-do list for a long time - learnt how to and made a Tanjore painting.
- signed up for oil painting classes and already made one "frame worthy" painting.
- managed to squeeze in time for a few mini artsy-craftsy projects - a glass painting project here and a pencil sketch there.
- started exercising more frequently and believe am in better shape today than I was a year ago.
- put a few (very few, not enough!) non-work trips. Of all the things on my list, I guess this has been the least attended to. Hopefully, will be remedying that soon.
- started blogging here. I figured its a good way for me to keep track of all the yummy stuff I have started doing. Also, it might just inspire me to start that short story series I have been planning in my head for so long.
On the whole, I think I have done well with my resolutions and do deserve a pat on the back! As a bonus, I have won back my hard earned reputation as the "enthu-cutlet" girl who is always ready to sign up for any extra-curric activities :)